woolee.hr, Fema d.o.o. woolee.hr, Fema d.o.o. - Eko organsko gnojivo woolee.hr, Fema d.o.o. - Eko repelent Fema d.o.o.

Who are we?

The company Fema d.o.o. headed by Dragica Jerkov, in 2020 she started a business project called EKO LIKA GREENNovation in the area of ​​Lika. The goal of the project is to obtain organic products from raw sheep's wool - eco organic fertilizer and eco repellent.


By using wool as a resource for the production of organic fertilizer and repellent, and not as waste, we have solved an ecological problem that was threatening national parks and nature parks in Lika. Every year, around 200-300 tons of sheep wool are thrown into nature in Lika. By using wool and creating a new product, we contribute to environmental protection and CO2 neutrality.

Nitrogen organic fertilizer from raw wool – WOOLEE contributes to improving the quality of the soil and the plant itself if we use it as fertilizer. Unlike chemical fertilizers that feed the plant and pollute the soil, our organic fertilizer improves the soil and feeds the plant. The growing need for healthy organic food and the environment is fully met by using our WOOLEE products.


Eko Lika GREENNovation positions itself as a leading center for the production of organic fertilizer from raw sheep's wool at the national and regional level.

By developing innovations and green bio-entrepreneurship, we contribute to the sustainable development of the karst region of the Republic of Croatia and beyond through a circular economy. We base the project on ecological principles and thus encourage eco-agriculture and sustainable tourism.

Production process

EKO LIKA greennovation technology does not require washing wool

Proces proizvodnje korak 01 01

CLEANING combing and plucking raw wool

Proces proizvodnje korak 02 02

Sterilization of wool WSU 3000 with patented green technology

Proces proizvodnje korak 03 03

Production of snowflakes + 0ZON – WOOLEE repellent

Proces proizvodnje korak 04 04

Production of highly compressed rollers + 0ZON – WOOLEE fertilizer

Why is WOOLEE fertilizer and WOOLEE repellent YOUR best choice?

Pellet fertilizer for general soil preparation and nutrition. Hand-scatter the pellets onto the soil surface and bury them to the depth of a gardening trowel.

Fertilizer pellets for vegetable plants. Place the pellets mixed with soil into prepared planting holes.

We also use the snowflake repellent for mulching. Apply a layer of snowflakes 2 cm high and 10 / 12 cm wide around the plant, i.e. the stem.

Fertilizer pellets for planting potatoes. Spread the pellets well over the prepared soil.

Wool flakes are a natural protection against all types of snails, pests and weeds. It is used to create a barrier of flakes 2 cm high and 10/12 cm wide around the plant stem.



WOOLEE  fertilizer is a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer with a high percentage of NITROGEN   9 – 12.5%  -  5%  POTASSIUM

It has very little phosphorus and is not needed because organic  nitrogen nourishes the plant roots  and remains in the hair structure for a long time.

If we know that chemical phosphorus in chemical fertilizers is the biggest polluter of soil and groundwater, by using WOOLEE fertilizer we protect our environment.

Our fertilizer is made from 100% raw organic wool, without washing because it is sterilized with the patented green  method WSU 3000 – the product is PATHOGEN FREE.

The fertilizer structure contains 50% CO2, which when used, we return to the soil and  nourish the plant roots  and the soil.

WOOLEE'S  CO 2  FOOTPRINT is extraordinary !


We save water by 20%! We increase yields by 30%.

By using our WOOLEE products, you produce "SUPER FOOD"  protect your environment!

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WOOLEE ECO REPELLENT in the form of flakes. cijena

WOOLEE ECO REPELLENT in the form of flakes.

WOOLLE repellent is an effective protection against snails and pests.

Due to the sterilization of wool with the green patented method WSU 3000  , the product is PATHOGEN free, and more effective against snails due to the high absorption of snail mucus.

The snail cannot move and do damage to the plants.

WOOLEE flakes grow up to 5 X  - they form a carpet around the plant  which becomes protection against climate change and soil drying out – MULCH.

Non-toxic and rain will not wash it away, it lasts until you bury it in the ground, where it continues store water and aerate the soil.

WOOLEE flakes are 100% safe for children and pets.

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